We are Darin & Hope Windsor. Disciples & ministers of God Almighty.
2025 is the year to thrive! Nothing the enemy is cooking up is your portion if you are a child of the Most High God. Get in The Word, live by it and watch as the Lord comes through and leads you into sure victory. That is your portion.
Up until February 2, 2002, I, Hope, was living a life of sin, guilt & shame. When I was all alone that morning, I had a radical encounter with God Almighty. He showed me, like a movie reel, my life and all of my sinful ways and how my choices were keeping me from a Holy God and how it was never His will to be apart from me. Even when we're far from God He has His eye upon us and He's beckoning us to draw near and encounter Him.
That fateful morning in 2002, I encountered the radical love of God Himself. I'd never tasted a love so pure. It was what I'd been longing for all my life and what I'd been trying to find in so many lesser things. That day I was forgiven and "washed white as snow".
Never to be the same again. Halleluiah!
I'm Hope Dionne, daughter of the Most-High God and an ordained, traveling Minister of the undiluted Word of God. I bring the Kingdom of Heaven with me everywhere I go, and God confirms His Word with signs and wonders. The Lord has healed many, at our meetings, from various ailments. I've seen epilepsy healed, tumors disappear, deaf ears open, cancer erased, shorter limbs growing out, pain leaving, and more. I've seen people delivered from depression, suicidal thoughts, & demonic oppressions of various kinds. The Lord has also used me to prophecy on many occasions, and I've watched in wonder as He fulfills what He shows me and tells me to say or do.
I've been mandated, by God, to call the bride into righteousness, holiness & deeper intimacy with the King so she'll be ready for His soon return. I'm on a God-given mission to equip the bride and provoke her to rise up in the authority Jesus died to give us. To stir the embers of revival and challenge the bride to throw off her grave clothes and stop rolling in the mud in her beautiful gown. It's time to arise and become the full manifestation of the one Jesus is coming back for. I'm a glory carrier, lavish worshipper, intimate lover and pursuer of the Most-High God. And I will advance the Kingdom of Heaven everywhere I go,
all to the glory of my King.
I would be honored to bring His life changing Word & the power of the Holy Spirit to break the yoke of bondage and stoke the fires of revival in your people. I would also be honored to come and help train your congregation to fulfill the great commission and equip them with tools to win the lost and advance the Kingdom of Heaven.
Ministerial Covering:
I have a BA from Southwestern Assembly of God University (SAGU), I'm a Licensed Minister with RMIMA under the leadership of Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne and I'm Ordained through Ascend Academy out of Atlanta, GA under Pastor Brian Guerin.
For roughly 22 years the Lord has been training me in teaching, preaching, intercession and prophecy. I've had the honor of learning, predominately, directly from the Holy Spirit, but I've also sat under the teachings of many mighty men and women of God who've laid their lives down to fully serve The King. For years I've studied the revivals and Generals of the faith from the years gone by and my hearts cry is, "Do it again Lord!". We must become a people who prize intimacy with the Lord over every lesser thing. We will finally discover what it means to be fully alive when we die to self and come alive in Him.
I have personally chosen to live the consecrated, set-apart life and I pray that you, if you've not already, will do so as well. After all He's done for us, how can we not lay our lives down that He be glorified? Matthew 23:11-12 admonishes us that, "...he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted." As we go low, Jesus is exalted, and He will raise us into the fullness of life that He has planned for us!
I am a widow, a newly wed, a mother and a Gigi to 8 beautiful grand babies. I have life experiences that include trauma, drug abuse, physical & mental abuse, being unequally yoked, impacted by sudden deaths, (including suicide) and much more. But I've also seen the miraculous and supernatural ways of the Most-High God in uncommon measure. The Lord has been so very faithful to not only bring me out of all those difficult things and heal me, but He's given me the keys to liberate others and empower them to walk in true freedom and step into their God given destiny.. In Jesus name!
Coming Soon......
Hope co-authored this book with the Holy Spirit, per His direction. It contains parts of her testimony as a married woman & young widow. As well as unveils strategies that the Lord taught her as she navigated the journey of an unequally yoked marriage.
Her desire is to equip all ladies with what they need to honor their marital covenant and focus their attention on serving the Lord no matter what comes.
A Widow's Might can be found:
“Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” -Jesus
Mark 16:15
EVERY BELIEVER is called to be a soul winner. We believe many have a desire to, but they've either been taught that it's the job of the 5-fold minister or they don't have the training & confidence to fulfill Jesus' last words to us. The job of the 5-fold minister is to train the "Saints" for the work of the ministry, according to Eph. 4:12-13.
All you really need is one smooth stone and I'd love to come train you and your people to become "Fishers of Men" as Jesus commends us. Below you'll find the most affective soul winning tools I've ever found. I've never seen a smooth stone that's more scripturally sound and concise than these.
I'm so grateful for the gift that the Holy Spirit gave to the body.
There is One True God who is sovereign and triune. Jesus Christ is His Son, who came to earth; fully man & fully God, through a virgin; walked among men as a man; died on the cross at Calvary; descended down into hell to obtain the keys of death, hell and the grave; and He arose from the dead, three days later with those keys and was accompanied by the many He'd liberated from hell's grip. He is the perfect, atoning sacrifice, whose blood was shed so that we could spend eternity with Him, if we choose Him as Lord.
He is the ONLY way to heaven (John 14:6).
He is the way, the truth and the life.
Holy Spirit is the most often overlooked part of the trinity but He longs to be our comforter, teacher and closest friend. To move through us miraculously and was sent as a gift to us by The Father after Jesus' ascension. The gifts of the spirit are for us today just as much as they were for the disciples. And the bride of Christ should be walking in the "Greater Things" Jesus spoke of in John 14:12.
If you've not received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit just ask God and see what He says. James 4:2 says, "You have not because you ask not".
Why would anyone want to miss out on any gift the Almighty One would want to give them?
Your prayers & seeds are greatly appreciated
and will be handled with the utmost of integrity.
By investing in God's work, you are investing into eternity.
Thank you so much for partnering with us in advancing His Kingdom.
Cash app: $Rayofhoperestoration
Venmo: @Hope-Lundy-1